Our typical retainer relationship is one where we provide many of our consulting services throughout the course of the relationship on an ongoing basis. Services are offered on a retainer or project basis. BilkeyKatz provides the full gamut of investment consulting services, including but not limited to investment policy development/review, overall asset allocation/diversification strategies, investment managers/funds (including alternative investments) and custodian searches and evaluations, and performance monitoring. A full list of our Firm’s services follows:
Investment Policy Development/Review
Asset Allocation/Diversification
Asset/Liability Modeling
Spending Policy Modeling
Manager Structure Analysis
Multiple Manager Structure Analysis
Investment Fee Analysis
Participant Education Materials
Performance Attribution
Performance Measurement
Custom Reporting
Portfolio Optimization
Peer Group Analysis
Domestic/International Money Management
Separate Accounts
Mutual Funds/Collective Investment Funds
Exchange-Traded Funds
Custodian/Master Trustee
OCIO/Investment Manager RFP
Hedge Funds/Non-Correlated Strategies
Private Equity/Venture Capital
Real Estate/Real Assets
Limited Partnerships
ESG/Socially Conscious Strategies
Retirement Plan Service Providers

Additional information about BilkeyKatz Investment Consultants is available on the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) website at www.adviserinfo.sec.gov. You can search this site by a unique identifying number known as a CRD number. The CRD number for BilkeyKatz is 125216.